
We Embody the Life and Love of Christ

We Promote Love and Wellbeing

Worship - We are active worshippers in our local body.

Service - We are an important part of God’s redemptive purposes, which we choose to participate together with God.

Discipleship - We are together engaged in activities that promote spiritual growth and formation.

Giving - We recognize that all we have is God’s, so we will give of ourselves and our resources freely.

Prayer - We communicate with God in all things, both personal and communal, as we experience life with God.

Fellowship/Community - We are active and engaged in our community of faith and extended community.

Diversity - We embrace and encourage all forms of diversity by respecting and honoring our differences. 

Love - We will intentionally act in the best interest of others, ourselves, and creation.

Purpose - We support and encourage each other’s passions and giftings.